I'm sure the GB will be very concerned for JW's in Ukraine as the economic and banking sanctions deepen. It may be they will have to device an alternative method for forwarding contributions to HQ!
has anyone heard any word on active witnesses inside the ukraine and what has been happening with them the last week or so?
i checked the official org website but there was just the expected "fulfilling bible prophecy" stuff.
perhaps someone here has bethel contacts who have leaked some info on what the gb is trying to do for these victims of putin's madness?.
I'm sure the GB will be very concerned for JW's in Ukraine as the economic and banking sanctions deepen. It may be they will have to device an alternative method for forwarding contributions to HQ!
i remember reading somewhere a reference to ones at bethel being removed for suggesting that the governing body was the faithful and discreet slave, years before the org.
made this change.
am i wrong about this?
I remember reading about that on here some years ago. I think it all happened back in the 1980's and it was followed with a WT article explaining that the F&DS was all the anointed that were alive at that time.
there was a comment that in australia ( i think) the experiment ended with no apparent outcome.
anyone know how this is working any where?
there was also a mention of a hall being sold.
As of 21 Jan 2022, 26,813 JW's had died of Covid. I can't see them rushing back to KH's any time soon.
does anyone have access to the leaked copy of the annual meeting?
because on part 2 (released as the feb. 2022 monthly program) there is a piece cut out at the 1:30:20 mark..
I really didn't like Herd's comment at all. I thought it was sarcastic and patronising. You really should not speak like that to the people who are feeding, clothing and housing you in style!
assembly downloads if you want them.. 1-am-2021-2022-circuit assembly with circuit overseer, exercise faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/fuholfzblyxaytn-------------------------2-pm-2021-2022-circuit assembly with circuit overseer, exercise faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/jgbctumjtgqlwgy-------------------------.
3-am-2021-2022 circuit assembly with branch representative, strengthen your faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/vxsxzzlbpwousjm-------------------------.
4-pm-2021-2022-circuit assembly with branch representative, strengthen your faith.
Try this link and see if it will be ok.
That works fine, thank you.
assembly downloads if you want them.. 1-am-2021-2022-circuit assembly with circuit overseer, exercise faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/fuholfzblyxaytn-------------------------2-pm-2021-2022-circuit assembly with circuit overseer, exercise faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/jgbctumjtgqlwgy-------------------------.
3-am-2021-2022 circuit assembly with branch representative, strengthen your faithhttps://www.filemail.com/d/vxsxzzlbpwousjm-------------------------.
4-pm-2021-2022-circuit assembly with branch representative, strengthen your faith.
Many thanks Atlantis. However, the final download there was blocked by MS Edge as being unsafe. Is there a problem with it, other than the danger of watching WT videos?
i always hated suit, shirt and tie and wondered why men of all walks of life should be forced to wear these uncomfortable clothes and spend the money on them.
it should be remembered some of the worst people wear them, like creepy joe, putin, dirty corrupt frauds in business, law etc.
and of course al capone.
I spent my entire working life in a suit. Since I retired I wear jeans and casual clothes. However I know plenty of people such as my builder friend who love to get get dressed up when going out.
watchtower 1964 page 352 "....before god cursed it the snake had legs that elevated it off the ground.
god transformed its body so that it ceased to have legs and could move on its belly.".
book "gods eternal purpose"1974 - "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimised by satan...".
I have a coccyx for the same reason.
which sentences are technically correct.
1 the watchtower keeps changing its doctrines.. 2. the watch tower keeps changing its doctrines.. 3. the watchtower society keeps changing its doctrines.. 4. watchtower keeps changing its doctrines.. 5. watch tower keeps changing its doctrines.. 6. the society keeps changing its doctrines.. 7. the watchtower organization keeps changing its doctrines.. 8. the watch tower organization keeps changing its doctrines..
I thought Watchtower referred to the magazine of that name.
Watch Tower refers to the legal corporation as in Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society or Watch Tower Society of Britain.
So 1, 3, 4 and 7 I would say are incorrect as a magazine cannot change anything. The members of the corporation are the ones that make the changes and have them printed in the Watchtower magazine.
We used to use the term "The Society" many years ago.
watchtower 1964 page 352 "....before god cursed it the snake had legs that elevated it off the ground.
god transformed its body so that it ceased to have legs and could move on its belly.".
book "gods eternal purpose"1974 - "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimised by satan...".
That WT QFR is very interesting, I had never seen that before and assumed the idea had been dropped many years previously.
I do remember however, and in fact quoted it recently on a thread here, that the book "The truth shall make you free" carried a picture of this lizard like creature talking to Eve.